Zhihao LI

Ph.D. candidate

Data Science and Analytics Thrust, Information Hub

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)



One paper has been accepted at KDD 2022 Research Track (15% acceptance rate).


I am currently a Ph.D. student at Data Science and Analytics Thrust, Information Hub, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Guangzhou supervised by Prof.Wei WANG.

My current interest is in the filed of AI for Science, like the application of machine learning to solve PDEs (such as Physics Informed Neural Network) in interdisciplinary. Also, I have done some research on Knowledge Graphs, Recommender systems, Graph Neural Networks and applications of Hyperbolic Space on them.


[KDD 2022] HICF: Hyperbolic Informative Collaborative Filtering

Menglin Yang, Zhihao Li, Min Zhou, Jiahong Liu, Irwin King

[Survey] Hyperbolic Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications

Menglin Yang, Min Zhou, Zhihao Li, Jiahong Liu, Lujia Pan, Hui Xiong, Irwin King


2021-2022 · The Chinese University of Hong Kong · Research intern  

Worked with Menglin Yang and Prof.Irwin King.

2018-2022 · Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen · Undergraduate  

Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Technology, advised by Prof.Qing Liao.


2022 Fall · FUNH 5010 Introduction to Materials Informatics · Teaching Assitant · HKUST(GZ)
2024 Spring · DSAA 5009 Deep Learning in Data Science · Teaching Assitant · HKUST(GZ)